Sunday, April 27, 2014

Revolution 2014 - WiTricity Wireless electricity It's here!

This is no breakthrough. This is what Tesla planned all along. They just figured out how to monetize this tech now-so that it still relies on the current power grid, that's what's really happened. You still pay for the electricity bills, THEN you buy the witricity equipment for your appliances with outdated power input. Shame on them if they lay claim to the patent. Tesla's vision was to provide free electricity for everybody through wireless transmission from the ether. Well we can still rely on pirate/underground tech. They'll definitely come out of the woodwork soon enough.


  1. I just read today that when Tesla died, the FBI came and took all his papers out of his safe!

  2. Note her infinite 'knowledge' that it is 'safe' just like cellphones LOL. Brain surgeons are warning of the massive increase in brain tumours on the same side of the brain as where the individual held their cellphone. wi-fi is not 'safe'. Smart meters are not safe. Check out "Barrie Trower" as to just how unsafe. Love the way its made out as a 'new' discovery. Tesla will be turning in his grave at that one, so old is his technology.

    1. I agree with your comment I shall check out Barrie Trower never heard of him.
