Sunday, April 27, 2014

Illuminati 2014 Predictions!! We must reach mass awareness!

We have a pending economic collapse, a 17 trillion dollar economic collapse. Obama used his "executive orders" to bypass congress and issued a police state to be started after such a catastrophe. The government has also purchased 1.6 BILLION rounds of hollow points. That's the biggest ammo purchase in WORLD HISTORY. And these bullets are NOT for wars in other countries as it's against the Geneva Convention to use hollow points, and it's not used for military training as it's 3x more expensive hollow points as it is to buy full metal jackets. Obviously this raises a few questions who these bullets are intended for. Keep in mind, it's NOT for over seas fighting and it's enough bullets for a 20 year war and still have bullets left over. That's enough for 6 bullets for every man women and child in the United States. And now enough coffins for a million people. Also, the biggest coffin purchase in world history. Oh, and FEMA CAMPS have been popping up all over the country in EVERY STATE in the past 5 years.. These are supposedly supposed to help us during a crisis, but why does the barbwire around these facilities have the barbwire pointing IN? Meaning it's not meant to keep people out, but to keep people from leaving. What does all of this have in common? Hopefully not us!!!

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