Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pepe Escobar : China & Russia teaming to destroy The Dollar

Pepe Escobar on China/Russia 'Deal of the decade' & Europe's secret US deal blues

While the West weighs up putting more spanners in the works with sanctions, Russia and China are getting on with business. The two are looking at a deal that could see gas pumped into the world's most-populated nation for the next 3 decades. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar told RT that Beijing's stance on the global political arena is bearing fruit.

1 comment:

  1. simply: russia is the nuclear power china is the labor and economical power. nuclear missiles are the weapons the rest is just useless, airplanes, fighter planes, aircraft carriers, (a military victory is impossible for the west, neither for the east as that is the objective). as the economical situation is quality & quantity. inventiveness and well being on a globalised world. however the made in france, as the made in china, or made in russia, some products will be better than others! it all balance itself out. old free market, new free market.
    a balance them is found.
