Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cliven Bundy, Joe Banister -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Tuesday April 15 2014

On this riveting Tuesday, April 15 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex takes on the lies spewed by unconstitutional government bureaucracies such as the IRS and the BLM. Former congressman Ron Paul warned that the Feds could soon launch a Waco-style assault against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his family. Cliven Bundy joins us today to discuss these recent developments in his stand against unconstitutional bureaucracy and crony capitalism spearheaded by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Joe Banister, the IRS Special Agent who exposed the agency's deceit and illegal enforcement of the federal income tax, also joins the show to discuss current and previous IRS scandals. Additionally, Alex takes your calls to hear your take on these important topics and more. You don't want to miss today's transmission!

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