Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fed HYPERINFLATION and the 1% Who PROFIT From It

Fed policies have been historically very obvious. More money printing and low interest rates. This has caused a dramatic decline in the value of the US dollar. As a result, the middle class has become less and less of reality.

The elite are benefitting from the inflationary policies because they are direct recipients of the bailouts and tax evasion.
Inflation Rate at 1.1%
Open market operations (OMOs)--the purchase and sale of securities in the open market by a central bank--are a key tool used by the Federal Reserve in the implementation of monetary policy. The short-term objective for open market operations is specified by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). Historically, the Federal Reserve has used OMOs to adjust the supply of reserve balances so as to keep the federal funds rate--the interest rate at which depository institutions lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight--around the target established by the FOMC.

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