Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ALERT -- Heartbleed Bug A NSA False Flag Cyber Attack?

NSA spying is longstanding. It’s ongoing abroad and at home. It has nothing to do with national security. It’s unrelated to uncovering terrorist plots.

Homegrown ones virtually don’t exist. Alleged ones are hatched. They’re fake. Claiming dozens were foiled in time is false.

They’re Big Lies. Previous articles discussed dozens of innocent victims. They included:

    a fake shoe bomber;
    fake underwear bomber;
    fake Times Square bomber;
    an earlier one there;
    fake shampoo bombers;
    fake Al Qaeda woman planning fake mass casualty attacks on New York landmarks;
    fake Oregon bomber;
    fake armed forces recruiting station bomber;
    fake synagogue bombers;
    fake Chicago Sears Tower bombers;
    fake FBI and other building bombers;
    fake National Guard, Fort Dix and Quantico marine base attackers;
    fake 9/11 bombers;
    fake Boston bombers; and
    numerous others.

At issue is generating fear. Washington’s fake war on terror needs public support. FBI operatives are involved.

Orchestrated stings are used. Innocent victims are entrapped. Familiar schemes repeat. 9/11 is the Big Lie of our time. So is the fake war on terror.

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