Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Agenda 21 -- Henry Kissenger and Elite plans to cull a percentage of humanity - 2 to 3 Billion People

Minister Louis Farrakhan: The Time & What Must Be Done

Under Kissenger a plan was hatched that two to three billion people on are planet would have to be culled with means to destroy or kill . Minister Louis Farrakhan said most people can wrap our minds , our people who think the resources of the Earth are not enough , and the population is too much. 17:05 - Could this be why in Africa there are Aids is slaughtering black men and women by the 1's of thousands especially where the minerals are needed to keep America in power in the 21st century Most of this culling would take place in industrialized and 3rd world countries He also said could this be why black women in America are said to be the number one carrier of the Aids virus He also mentions Eugenics and Planned Parenthood and pills that aborted children , concentrated in the black community.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why these despotic psychopaths have not walked their talk and started 'The Great Culling' (as these inhumans like to call it) on themselves.

    My family avoid vaccines like the plague - they can and do add things where and when they like. Go to and listen to the most recent archive under the heading 'Depopulation' for all the ways they are depopulating. Note, it misses the Silent Weapons tool that uses EMR microwaves. Worst is wi-fi in junior schools are altering the eggs in the ovaries of girls in their mitochondrial DNA which will be passed on to the daughters. (as exposed by Barrie Trowers, google him). France has removed wi-fi from schools after listening to expert Barrie Trowers, ex British intel.
