Monday, March 3, 2014

Worse Than Hiroshima : US War Chemicals And 'Stinking Hypocrisy'

One in three American servicemen permanently disabled, 'the worst genetic damage in any population ever studied', and 'confirmed' US govt behind world record Afghan opium crop.
Seek truth from facts with Iraqi-Kurdish activist Houzan Mahmoud, Afghan war specialist Prof. Anatol Lieven, former intelligence officer Scott Rickard, Foreign Policy In Focus columnist Conn Hallinan, and the author of Questioning the War on Terror Dr. Kevin Barrett.

Absolutely this what our U.S. military has been doing? To go out of their way to exterminate a group of people with these horrific weapons of mass destruction  is beyond reason.....Reminds me of the Nazi's. Is this who is now running our U.S. government and military now? Who is Obama and why is this National Socialist sitting in our white house? And, what's worse is,  who is he really working for? Because he's sure is not working for the American people. He's got more blood on his hands than a vampire.

One in three American servicemen permanently disabled, 'the worst genetic damage in any population ever studied', and 'confirmed' US govt behind world record Afghan opium crop.

Seek truth from facts with Iraqi-Kurdish activist Houzan Mahmoud, Afghan war specialist Prof. Anatol Lieven, former intelligence officer Scott Rickard, Foreign Policy In Focus columnist Conn Hallinan, and the author of Questioning the War on Terror Dr. Kevin Barrett.

One in three US servicemen permanently disabled.

An explosion of birth defects they don't even have medical terms for.

And an FBI whistleblower ties America's drug epidemic to the highest levels of government.

Jeff Englehart, Iraq war veteran: White phosphorus was used which is definitely and without a shadow of a doubt a chemical weapon.

RT:US troops report orders to use white phosphorus in civilian areas.

The chemical nicknamed Whisky Pete by the US army is banned as a weapon. The Toxic Substances Agency notes it burns through eyes heart and bones of anyone in the vicinity.

Time after time officers in Iraq describe firing the chemical at people in a process they call shake 'n bake.

US army 2nd battalion, Field Artillery magazine: We fired shake 'n bake missions using white phosphorus to flush them out.

Darrin Mortenson, Embedded reporter, Iraq: Again and again, sending burning white phosphorus they call shake 'n bake into buildings.

RT:The highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied, radiation expert Christopher Busby has reported from US depleted uranium munitions in Iraq.

Birth defects worse than after the US nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Democracy Now reports, are being found in babies.

Doctors told renowned war correspondent Dahr Jamail such injuries have simply never been seen before.

Dahr Jamail, Al Jazeera: Malformations that she said they don't even have medical terms for. It's common now in Fallujah for newborns to come out with massive multiple systemic defects. Babies being born with two heads, babies being born with half of their internal organs outside of their bodies. And it is ongoing.

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