Monday, March 3, 2014

The Business of DisEase -- Sonia Barrett and Sharry Edwards

Sanitas Radio - Sonia Barrett and Sharry Edwards - The Business of Disease


During this interview, we explore 'The Business of DisEase'. A groundbreaking documentary exploring the vastness of human potential despite the restrictions of programmed beliefs. For the sheer purpose of profit and control illness is marketed to the minds of the unsuspecting masses. The results? A society programmed for sickness and death.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society." - Edward Bernays

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer a need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." - Geoffrey F. Abert

THE BUSINESS OF DISEASE is the result of an article written by Sonia Barrett titled The Marketing of Breast Cancer. The article was inspired by her observation of the growing marketing of breast cancer awareness.

The Business of DisEase explores the hypnosis of marketing, belief systems and the body's ability to heal. The film explores conflicts and distortions in the medical research studies; the misleading and deceptive agreements between drug companies and government, and the futility of most medical tests and interventions to prolong lifespan. The film aims to provide options and insight into a great many misconceptions. Science is integrated as a means of clarifying the possibilities which exists in better understanding the inner technology of spirit, mind and body. The documentary takes a holistic approach in dealing with disease. The term holistic in this context refers to the whole being; spirit, mind and body.


This film brings focus to the spirit, mind and body connection in a unique way. The Business of DisEase is not just about the marketing of disease but also of the genetic and social programs from which our choices and experiences are potentially shaped. This is a film that encourages us to be unafraid to take responsibility for our bodies, our spirits and our minds.


We will examine the overall disease belief system. We aim to cohesively blend the spirit, mind and body connection in a unique way that will appeal to anyone ready to move into a more holistic understanding of their ability to regulate the unfolding of their life.


Sonia has pulled together those who support shedding light in areas that have been dimly lit for some time. This group of minds include medical doctors to holistic practitioners to scientists to those who have experienced the impact of cancer and other autoimmune disorders and those who have passed through the shadows of death. Together these minds bridge the gap between science and spirituality in a way that truly brings to light what is possible. These are voices of freedom for those ready to leap into a new level of inner freedom. External change begins with an inner evolution.

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