Monday, March 10, 2014

What happened during the Waco siege? -- Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

The ill-fated FBI raid of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas captured international attention -- but what exactly happened? Tune in to learn more about the official story -- and why some people aren't buying it -- in this episode.
The FBI killed those children.....the kids didnt die from the fire.....they died from the poison gas pumped into the compound....the same poison gas just happend to be HIGHLY FLAMMABLE.  The photos tell the tale. Children broke their necks convulsing......
The FBI lied....the ATF lied.....Evidence that would prove the FBI/ATF lied vanished. Such as the front door to the compound, which would show who shot recorded by the FBI themselves.....and even witnesses....yes....witnesses mysteriously died.   This episode is a virtual whitewash of Waco. Shame on you

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