Monday, March 10, 2014

Benjamin Fulford 3-11-14 “Nazis and Zionists are simultaneously suing for peace and making new threats”

Ben Fulford, March 11, 2014: Nazis and Zionists are simultaneously suing for peace and

Continuing of the drama. We shall see what happens.
I will post the full article after 3 days.*
Nazis and Zionists are simultaneously suing for peace and making new threats
Posted March 11, 2014
The fighting between American Academi (formerly Blackwater) mercenaries and Russian special forces in the Ukraine and the downing of a Malaysian airline last week are but a background to ongoing high stakes negotiations about the future of this planet. These violent incidents are also a backlash against a snowballing purge of Nazi/Zionist zealots that has now extended to Saudi Arabia and other gulf oil kingdoms after they banned the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Since they have already been purged from Egypt this means their last base in the Middle East, and last source of oil money, is Qatar, home to the Al Jazeera propaganda network.
The threats to cause terrorist attacks around China to “sky rocket,” made before the Malaysian air disaster, came from a source using the 215 Philadelphia area code. This is the same source that predicted in advance the turmoil in the Ukraine. Philadelphia is the base of Fethullah Gulen, a senior proponent of the cabal’s planned “one world religion.” Since Gulen is involved in sending Tartar activists to contribute to the turmoil in the Ukraine, his organization is suspected of being somehow involved in the latest attack. Turkey is the original home of the Sabbatean mafia that created the Thule society and Nazism.
According to American Defense Intelligence Agency and MI5 sources there is a Nazi submarine base in New Guinea disguised as a gold mine.
This is one of secret Asian operations bases used to stage the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan three years ago tomorrow. It may well be where the attack on the Malaysian airlines flight originated.
In any case, the troubles in the Ukraine and Malaysia and probably soon elsewhere too, are just a back-drop to ongoing negotiations between several large factions. A representative of the military industrial complex contacted the White Dragon Society last week and laid out several conditions including
[*Kp note: according to this link, Ben said it was okay to post the entire text after 3 days from original publication. I will do this on Thursday).]

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