Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine WW3 -- U.S. Military Action in Ukraine Coming?

I would like to explain to you what is happening. This is not a conflict between the Russian and Ukrainians . It is a conflict between the western and eastern Ukrainians Ukrainians.
- United States support the Western Ukrainians.
- Russia support Eastern Ukrainians.
Centre of Ukraine, including Kiev, always was mixed, but with a predominant influence of eastern Ukrainians. Now, with the support of U.S., western Ukrainians captured  center of Ukraine including Kiev.
You should know that the western and eastern Ukrainians - they are completely different people. They have different languages, different mentality, different cultural traditions and different religions.
- Western Ukraine - a former land of Poland and Poles live there , which we now refer to as " western Ukrainians."
Stalin cut off from the land of Poland and annexed by force to the Soviet Ukraine, together with the population.
- East, south of Ukraine and Crimea - a former Russian land and live there, Russian , which we now refer to as "eastern Ukrainians ."
Lenin and Khrushchev power cut off from the land of Russia and joined the Soviet Ukraine, together with the population .
Approval of Western propaganda that in Ukraine 83% of the population use the Ukrainian language, it is a lie and the top of Western hypocrisy.
Ukraine, Russian language as their mother tongue today use more than 60 % of the population.
In addition, between the western and eastern Ukrainians, has always been hostility and contempt. Ukraine - is an artificial entity which communists created by force.
- Poles in western Ukraine, infamous Russian east and pull Ukraine into the EU and Poland.
- Russian eastern Ukraine, Poles despise the West and pull Ukraine into the Customs Union and Russia.
This model of state, which was created by the Communists via mixed different nations by force, doomed to collapse.
I think that the true purpose of the United States - is to create a civil war between the western and eastern Ukrainians.

1 comment:

  1. great lets kill some americans, this what AIPAC and congress says, however the big planes and the bombs will not fall on their homes, but yours so dont die for AIPAC, congress, or the obamacare. at least die for your country.
