Thursday, March 13, 2014

GERALD CELENTE on the UKRAINE CRISIS - U.S. Agenda To Destabilize Russia

Mr. Obama, himself a puppet of Corporate America, should know that in reality threats of sanctions, like 'we are not coming to the G-8 summit in Sochi', or 'we will confiscate Russian assets in the US', or ' we will discontinue talks on trade' -- are meaningless. Russia does not need the Western economy. Period.

That's a very strong statement. Could you elaborate?

Russia in solidarity and alliance with China has all the trumps in its court. -- Europe depends up to 40% on gas supplied from Russia, of which 80% passes through Ukraine. China holds about 1.6 trillion dollars of US debt they could drop and annihilate the US economy. Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa ( the BRICS ) have almost 50% of the planet's population and about one third of the world's GDP and therefore are self-sufficient and do not need the Anglo-Saxon led all-aggressive and war-ready Occident. They are about prepared to launch their own common currency -- a solid alternative to the "mickey-mouse dollar".

You're saying that the self-sufficiency of the non-western world is reason enough to ignore the threats coming from Washington.

Mr. Obama, himself a puppet of Corporate America, should know that in reality threats of sanctions, like 'we are not coming to the G-8 summit in Sochi', or 'we will confiscate Russian assets in the US', or ' we will discontinue talks on trade' -- are meaningless. Russia does not need the Western economy. Period.

Russia in solidarity and alliance with China has all the trumps in its court. -- Europe depends up to 40% on gas supplied from Russia, of which 80% passes through Ukraine. China holds about 1.6 trillion dollars of US debt they could drop and annihilate the US economy. Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa ( the BRICS )

Who cares about American sanctions? Nobody needs the hollow US economy whose only sustenance is constant wars. Not even the European puppets are dependent on it. Of course, the yes-saying, head-bowing corrupt and coward EU leaders are dreaming of collecting some crumbs of the empire's loot.

That it was a coup is also underlined by the obvious public lies that Obama has told about the situation, blaming, of course, the overthrown government, and by the total misrepresentation of Ukrainian developments by the US and European presstitute media. The only reason to misrepresent the events is to support the coup and to cover up Washington's hand.

Russia has for the first time since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis in November last year issued a toughly worded statement to describe its attitude to the events, as well as to the hard-to-explain functional incapacitation of the authorities in Kiev. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev put it bluntly when addressing a government meeting on Thursday that Kiev should stop being a wuss.

"We shall, of course, continue cooperating with our Ukrainian partners in all areas that have been agreed, Dmitry Medvedev says. We shall bend every effort to honour the pledges we have taken with regard to Ukraine. But for this to happen, our partners should be in good shape. Ukraine's authorities should be legitimate and effective and should not allow anyone to walk all over them."

He snuck into Syria to highlight the dominance of moderates that the US should support. But the world is now interconnected and soon it was known that McCain's moderates in Syria were in fact radicals and kidnappers. He snuck into Libya to receive an award from the military the same day Sharia law was approved.

But these are small potatoes. Russia has always been the prize for McCain. His International Republican Institute (IRI), a Cold War relic funded by US taxpayers, routinely funded subversive NGOs in Russia to undermine the political system.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the former central banker installed as the "pro-Western" interim prime minister of Ukraine, arrived in Washington on Wednesday. He will meet with President Obama and Vice President Biden and will also meet with members of Congress, the IMF, the World Bank and will address the UN Security Council.

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