Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ukraine WW3 -- Moscow Warns U.S. If Sanctions Are Imposed They Will Seize American Assets In Russia

Americans still think it's 1950. Russia is WAY hungrier than fat lazy America. America has let itself be usurped by Israel and fleeced by Golman Sachs and the rest of the 9/11 Neo-cons who, by the way were behind the Ukrainian coup. PNAC author Robert Kagan is the husband of Victoria Nuland who said "Fuck the EU" .There is no doubt this is Putin's Red line. His military are preparing for full war. Europe cannot afford it that's why the rhetoric is over the top because they need to to bluff Russia here.


  1. the problem is we KERRY better say I believe because americans have no voice on this only you Kerry has this video shows it we, is no we is just I the reasoning is still we. but the we of the world says you kerry are bunkers as this congress media garbage, better say today vote FOX,CNN?OR AMERICA TODAY new york times for president, america is just a radio show with voices as rulers a 1984 realm on course.

  2. The US politicians are hypocrits. They use the law if it benefits them and ingore the law if it works against them. The US and its allies have been hemming the Russians in with their placement of missile defense systems near the Russian border. They are totally ignorant on European history. Back the Russians !

  3. Fuck Markel and fuck Kerry go Putin take what is yours.
    US and EU destroyed my country (Yugoslavia) where was international law at that time.
    These bitches do not believe in law they just think they can do what they want to do.
