Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told


The Ukraine is ground zero for the American empire. The hastily orchestrated putsch during the Olympics has only gained the corrupt and corpulent financial dictators an even more desperate and evil reputation among the people's and the nation's. Russia hold's all of the cards, Obama has declared the down-sizing of the military and an apparent the escalation of hostilities simultaneously. US corporations are heavily invested in Russia and will scream bloody murder if Obama's actions dent profits, the public has no stomach for ANY war, but especially one against Russia, a giant chunk of Europe acquires energy from Russia and won't let USA interfere with their shipments. Seemingly the plan is just too try to build consensus to battle Russia in some way, but like elsewhere, the locals are not going to accept our installed puppet governments. This ends with Russia having it's way and USA again humiliated.


  1. The sheep will do as their told, give them free presciption medication to numb them n put more flouride in the water so they can enjoy american idol n vote ha ha

  2. the problem of planet earth all problems of planet earth are the $ as a reserve currency, until that is change the planet will not evolve, will regress and soon rather than humans you will have chimpance on suits walking the streets of moscow and new york. basically the world has no other choice no matter what economist or whom ever it is a lock in situation which neither moscow paris or washington control, accepting the fact can make the world better and reality more pleasent. as I said the BREN 25% silver is the only option so far. until then kill yourself for nothing as there is no other option.
    the dollar as a reserve world currency, is what elites bankers use to dominate the planet, and american citizens are part of this enslavement, do not confuse petrodollars and $ as reserve currency with the $ you use at home, the reserve is what keeps you alive, because the real $ is worthless, so the scheme is to make you dependant on that living privileged so you defend not america but the $ as a reserve currency. which is the bankers elite tool. 9013 was the 1 steep ww2 was the last one and nixon seal the coffin in the 1960 era and there you got it.
