Wednesday, March 12, 2014




Riot police brutally dispersed radical protesters from central Kiev in the largest operation since the latest outbreak of violence. Almost 200 officers have been injured over four days of scuffles. Two people were reportedly killed amid the crisis.

They also reject the leadership of moderate opposition figures, who had called on their supporters to remain peaceful and not engage in the rioting. russia today rt The police cleared Grushchevskovo Street, the scene of intensive confrontation with radical anti-government activists in the vicinity of the Ukrainian parliament building. They proceeded to the neighboring European Square, where opposition activists have been camping for weeks.

Ukraine's Day of National Unity, but the country has never felt so divided.

At least three people have died in Kiev, the first casualties of a protest movement that has rumbled on for two months before bursting dramatically into violence over the weekend.

Two protesters were shot dead during clashes with police, who attempted to take back control of the city centre. Prosecutors confirmed earlier claims by the protest leaders that the pair had been shot with live ammunition. A third protester died after falling from a high column at Dynamo Kiev's football stadium while fighting with police, Reuters reported.

Martial law was effectively declared at 4pm local time, as shops, hotels and other businesses in the area surrounding the hub of the protests were reportedly ordered to close their doors for the day. A full-on storm was not immediately forthcoming, however.

Pollster and former presidential advisor Pat Caddell warns that the rise of "soft oppression" and corruption in the United States will facilitate a violent Kiev-style uprising in the streets of America.
 We documented Thursday that snipers are a common form of false flag terrorism. Interestingly, while the new Ukranian coalition denies that it deployed snipers, it is now accusing someone else -- Russia -- of deploying the snipers as a false flag event to create chaos.

Before anything approaching stability and legitimacy has been obtained for the puppet government put in power by the Washington orchestrated coup against the legitimate, elected Ukraine government, the Western looters are already at work. Naive protesters who believed the propaganda that EU membership offered a better life are due to lose half of their pension by April. But this is only the beginning.
wherever there is a government to subvert, a regime to change, chaos to foment, there you will find McCain in its midst. new cold war

From the early days of the protests in Ukraine, McCain was there, in Maidan square, meeting with and encouraging those whose intent was a violent overthrow of a democratically elected government. The ends justifies the means, and McCain supped with a number of unsavory characters to supercharge his plans.

On Friday Press TV featured a video showing men with weapons and body armor on a street where a pro-Russian demonstration was held. On Wednesday a Russian diplomat told Interfax that 300 employees of Blackwater, now known as Academi, had arrived in the pro-Russian city.

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