Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Truth About Banking, Busts and Bailouts -- Stefan Molyneux

The Truth About Banking, Busts and Bailouts It took 150 years to blow up the banking sector - a brief history of a slow detonation.

At long last FIAT currency was mentioned in this video. FIAT currency is at the heart of the world's financial problems. Currency should be based on commodities like corn, lumber, and tin. FIAT currency is based on debt. Ancient Egypt had a stable economy for thousands of years because they based their economy on grain.The ancient Egyptians used gold for decorating tombs, not currency.

1 comment:

  1. A FREE SCOTLAND FROM THE UK? WILL MAKE A VERY RICH NATION LIKE QATAR? FORGET SOROS HE IS A DOUBLE AGENT? DUMP THE PETRODOLLARS SELL YOUR OIL TO THE UK AND EUROPE ONLY IN GOLD EUROS OR EVEN £. so SCOTLAND bravehearts be brave be wise and dump the from the IMF at last dump the petrodollars, and enjoy life, as prescribed by your doctor dump the petrodollars, $ get pay in any other currency, or gold.. this is what maduro venezuela, BRAZIL and ecuador, should do with the help of russia and china, india, and iran qatar and scotland. dump the petrodollars campaign to save the planet now..............scotland get your oil pay in euros and £, will help europe help the UK, and make scotland a very rich nation. dump the petrodollars do not accept them as payment from your oil, free scotland dump the petrodollars. (never waste a good crisis) the problem of russia and the planet is the petrodollars this is the cause of the arab mess, the saudi kingdoms dictatorship, petrodollars are bad for humanity, your health and the 99%....dump the petrodollars campaign, free the planet from corruption.
