Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, March 16, 2014 (Full Show) : United States, Russia & Crimea

On this Sunday, March 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex takes a look at the latest startling developments in the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Malaysian officials are revealing new details and the United States is looking into terror connections and possible threats to national security after the plane went missing more than a week ago. Alex also looks at the wholesale betrayal of the internet and the web as the Obama administration hands the medium over to the globalists. Alex provides in-depth analysis of the latest developments in the Ukraine imbroglio as voters head to the polls to decide the fate of Crimea as the United States, the European Union and Russia jostle behind the scenes and troops and hardware are moved into place creating a worrisome scenario for peace and sanity. Alex covers other news and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it ALL is coming to a head Alex, in more ways than one. Everyone is looking at this poitically, but it is soooo much more!!!! Personally, I believe if a war does start, it will usher in the Anti-Christ. I mean, come on, the stage is set, the players are in place, it's just a matter of time. God's timing to be exact.
