Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stefan Molyneux on Bitcoin, Internet Freedom and Liberation

Stefan Molyneux and Luke Rudkowski Bitcoin, Internet Freedom and Liberation

The nature of BitCoin is that it is the world's first "decentralized IPO". What this means is that anyone who has any BitCoin is a shareholder in the network and has a vested interest in protecting it, whether by prefering BitCoin or by actively coding new features or dealing with attacks. We are all one company of men and women with a vested interest in a new money system, growing exponentially in numbers. It has the good elements of socialism (ie common good) without the central control, democide and sacrifice of freedom...
BitCoin could not have been conceived by the "NWO" otherwise the likes of Apple would not be banning wallets and the central bankers would be cheer-leading for BitCoin. However, I am certain they are working overtime to figure out how to corrale it, first, then leverage it for the globalist agenda. This is unlikely given the architecture of BitCoin.

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