Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breaking News Russia Putin backs Sisi to be president of Egypt

March 26 2014 Breaking News REUTERS Egypt's Sisi to resign as military defense minister pave way for presidential bid 
CAIRO (Reuters) - Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was expected to step down as Egypt's defense minister on Wednesday, paving the way for him to run for president in an election he is expected to win easily.
The military leadership was presenting Sisi's resignation at a meeting with the interim head of state, the state-run Al-Ahram newspaper reported on its website.
Army chief Sisi toppled Egypt's first freely-elected president, Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood, last July after mass protests against his rule.
Quoting a military source, Al-Ahram said Sisi would announce the widely expected decision in a statement to be broadcast later. Sisi, 59, must leave the army to run in the presidential election. No date for the vote has yet been set.


  1. this was done when SISI visited PUTIN; so it does not means he backs him Mccain style it means he is on his side when he wins the elections if he does! remember Putin is not Obama or McCain, so his moves are often calculated! however Al Jazeera has a note!

  2. MOSCOW, February 13 (RIA Novosti) – Egypt's military leader Marshal Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was warmly received by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday during his first trip abroad following his seizure of power in a coup last year.
