Monday, March 31, 2014

PROPHECY ALERT -- Massive Earthquake Prophesied Soon in California

The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 810 miles (1,300 km) through California in the United States. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal). The fault divides into three segments, each with different characteristics, and a different degree of earthquake risk. Although the most significant (Southern) segment only dates back about 5 million years, the oldest sections were formed by the subduction of a spreading ridge 30 million years ago.

The fault was first identified in 1895 by Professor of geology Andrew Lawson from UC Berkeley who discovered the northern zone. It is named after a small lake which was formed in a valley between the two plates. Following the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, Lawson concluded that the fault extended all the way into southern California. In 1953, geologist Thomas Dibblee astounded the scientific establishment with his conclusion that hundreds of miles of lateral movement could occur along the San Andreas Fault.

The likelihood of a Megathrust earthquake ('the big one') is the subject of formal study at the University of California. A project called the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) is drilling into the fault to improve recording and prediction of future quakes.

The next "Big One"

A study in 2006 concluded that the San Andreas fault has reached a sufficient stress level for the next "big one", or a M ≥ 7.0, to occur. It also concluded that the risk of a large earthquake may be increasing more rapidly than researchers had previously thought. The paper stated that, while the San Andreas Fault had experienced massive earthquakes in the central (1857) and northern (1906) segments, the southern section of the fault has not seen any similar rupture for at least 300 years. Such an event would result in substantial damage to Palm Springs and other cities in San Bernardino, Riverside and Imperial counties in California, and Mexicali municipality in Baja California. It would be felt throughout much of Southern California, including densely populated areas of metropolitan San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Ensenada and Tijuana, Baja California, San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora and Yuma, Arizona. It concluded: "The information available suggests that the fault is ready for the next big earthquake but exactly when the triggering will happen and when the earthquake will occur we cannot tell [...] It could be tomorrow or it could be 10 years or more from now.

As both the public and scientific community continue to speculate on the size of the next earthquake to strike California, predicting major earthquakes with sufficient precision to warrant taking increased precautions has long been sought but remains elusive. Nonetheless, the 2008 Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF) has estimated that the probability of an M ≥ 6.7 earthquake within the next 30 years on the northern and southern segments of the San Andreas fault is somewhere between 21% and 59%.

Cascadia connection

Recent studies of past earthquake indicate there is a correlation in time between seismic events on the northern San Andreas Fault and the southern part of the Cascadia subduction zone (which stretches from Vancouver Island to northern California).

The San Andreas Fault has had some notable earthquakes in historic times:

1857 Fort Tejon earthquake: About 217 miles (349 km) were ruptured in central and southern California. Though it is known as the Fort Tejon earthquake, the epicenter is thought to have been located far to the north, just south of Parkfield. Only two deaths were reported. The magnitude was about 7.9.
1906 San Francisco earthquake: About 267 miles (430 km) were ruptured in Northern California. The epicenter was near San Francisco. At least 3000 people died in the earthquake and subsequent fires. This time the magnitude was estimated to be 7.8.
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake: About 25 miles (40 km) were ruptured (although the rupture did not reach the surface) near Santa Cruz, California, causing 63 deaths and moderate damage in certain vulnerable locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Moment magnitude this time was about 6.9. The earthquake also postponed game 3 of the 1989 World Series at Candlestick Park. This quake occurred on October 17, 1989, at approximately 5:04 P.M. PDT.
2004 Parkfield earthquake: On September 28, 2004, at 10:15 A.M. PDT, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck California on the San Andreas Fault. It was felt across the state, including the San Francisco Bay Area.

1 comment:

  1. Are you serious, are you serious...

    You have no idea what you are talking about ... quoting the sign of the 6th seal earthquake without explaining the context nor symbology used in the book of Revelation.

    The Structure:
    7 Seals are followed by 7 Trumpets, which are followed by 7 Vials, which are then followed by 7 Thunders. Each of these relate to epochs, from the time the book was first given, right down the time of Christ's return. We live at the time of the 6th Vial, not the 6th seal.

    The 6th seal saw the end of Imperial Pagan- Rome, in the 4th Century, which was replaced by the introduction of the Imperial PseudoChristian-Rome, which lasted till the fall of Rome in the West, and New Rome in the East.
    It fell at the end of the 6th Trumpet.

    We now live in the Vial period, which basically runs from the period of the French Revolution to the return of Christ. This period saw the total removal of 'false Christianity' and its partner in evil, the Christian Rulers of the World. They lost their thrones and their dominance.

    The world we now live in is dominated by the spirit that emerged from the French Revolution ... Liberty, Equality & Fraternity. It too is an ugly and evil spirit, full of selfish greed, just like those it replaced. Look at what happens at the end of the 6th Vial, in Revelation 16. Even so, come Lord Jesus, to bring the promised rule of peace based on truth and righteousness.
