Friday, March 28, 2014

Patrick Henningsen -- Ukraine, Crimea, Russia and the West

Returning guest, Patrick Henningsen is an author and founder of the 21st Century Wire news website, an Associate Editor of alternative news site and regular geopolitical analyst for Russia Today. We'll begin discussing the absolute reality of globalists keeping the US and the west in a permanent state of war. Patrick talks about past revolutions and NGO's that prep the groundwork. Then, we'll talk about the misinformation surrounding Russia from anti-gay laws to Russia's desire to expand. This brings us to the situation in Ukraine. Patrick explains the history of Crimea and talks about why Russian military is really there, contrary to mainstream media reports. In the second hour, we'll discuss how people are being programmed to fear Russia, while all the while the US has military presence all over the world. Patrick explains the sensitive issues for those living in Crimea, Ukraine and Russia, specifically after WWII. We'll also talk about the great disconnect between the people and their political leadership and how politics is nothing about the voice of the people. Later, we discuss the RT news anchor, Liz Wahl, who quit the network on live television, as she said that "she came to see just how dangerous a propaganda tool the network was. I couldn't be a part of it any longer." Patrick talks about this false, manufactured claim. We end the hour on the missing plane flight MH370.


  1. So American liberals are promoting and supporting gay perverts.

  2. I would trust Putin more than I would trust any western leaders - from U.S. to NZ/Australia and that is saying something!

    1. And I would trust the Syrian leader more than I would trust any western leaders or Turkey's leadership - the latter just got caught out plotting to attack their own country in order to blame it on syria and then have the excuse to go to war with Syria (False Flag Operation) using Al Quada as their patsy. We, the world's people know Syria is innocent and the anglo-american Establishment is guilty.
