Friday, March 28, 2014

Gerald Celente -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Friday March 28 2014

Gerald Celente  --   The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Friday March 28 2014

On this Friday, March 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host David Knight covers the latest news, including developments in Ukraine as the country's Parliament rejects the bankster IMF deal designed to impose suffocating austerity on the people and strip the nation of its wealth. David also covers remarks by the Supreme Court on the Obamacare and Hobby Lobby case dealing with religious freedom. On today's worldwide broadcast, David talks with Prison editor and writer Paul Joseph Watson about Turkey's planned false flag attack to grab part of Syria and start a war in the neighborhood. David also talks with trend forecaster Gerald Celente about the sorry state of the world economy and the suspicious rash of banker deaths.

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