Friday, March 7, 2014

Mike Maloney -- Why Is 'Atlas Shrugged' So Important?

Mike Maloney - Why Is 'Atlas Shrugged' So Important? Mike Maloney was recently asked after a live event in Indian Wells, CA what his favorite book was. This is a follow up to our last video in which Mike read his favorite passage from this important work. In this video Mike explains what Atlas Shrugged is all about.

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds good, but for the majority who are stuck in their socio economic position, it is almost impossible to break free.

    What most wealthy people will not openly admit is that it is almost always time and chance that has enabled them to get where they have. That is why they spend so much time and effort trying to find justification for themselves.

    You've all heard it before ... 'the harder I work, the luckier I get', and all the other mindless chanting they do.

    I returned and saw under the sun that—
    The race is not to the swift,
    Nor the battle to the strong,
    Nor bread to the wise,
    Nor riches to men of understanding,
    Nor favor to men of skill;
    But time and chance happen to them all.

    Sure socialism sucks too, just as collectivism.
    Stop trying to justify why you are luckier than others, and forget superiority of intelligence, education etc. What about health, family, society etc etc.
