Friday, March 7, 2014


America is busy self-destructing. The American economy is running on borrowed money, American gloss is wearing thin, its credibility worldwide is hitting all time low. Even Hollywood movies have lost their effects. It never had good human rights record. Its corporate media is embedded in the US government, and are funded by the especial interest groups that help to pre select and then elect the government. Who wants to enter such country or do business with it????? The world outside America is a much bigger place. It is time to boycott the American products.

Barack Obama and his EU allies unveiled a co-ordinated set of sanctions on Thursday to punish Russia for occupying the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, imposing visa restrictions on individuals and sharpening rhetoric in what has rapidly degenerated into the worst east-west crisis since the end of the cold war.

President Obama spoke for an hour on Thursday afternoon with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. According the White House, the US president told Putin that newly-announced sanctions, introduced in co-ordination with the UK, were a response to Russia's "violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity".

"President Obama indicated that there is a way to resolve the situation diplomatically, which addresses the interests of Russia, the people of Ukraine, and the international community." the White House said in a statement to reporters.

"As a part of that resolution, the governments of Ukraine and Russia would hold direct talks, facilitated by the international community; international monitors could ensure that the rights of all Ukrainians are protected, including ethnic Russians; Russian forces would return to their bases; and the international community would work together to support the Ukrainian people as they prepare for elections in May."

In their first concrete response to Russia's move to seize Crimea from Ukraine, Brussels and Washington also warned of further sanctions such as asset seizures if Moscow does not relent in the standoff.

"I am confident that we are moving forward together, united in our determination to oppose actions that violate international law," Obama told reporters in Washington. "That includes standing up for the principle of state sovereignty."
obama u.s. "united states" usa america russia russian sanctions control freedom crimea ukraine europe "european union" fight battle government ww3 WWIII "world war 3" crisis president putin visa "u.s. visa" law rights media news investment trade economy usa dollar summer future diplomat international cooperation communication speech 2014 agenda elite mafia "war games" support united lawyer people "we the people" sovereign leader travel events entertainment trends trending "u.s. army" military troops army "agenda nwo" soros payed to protest gerald celente infowars alex jone rant david icke lindsey williams bitcoin bilderberg bohemian grove illuminati

The U.S. government and the Russian government have both been forced into positions where neither one of them can afford to back down. If Barack Obama backs down, he will be greatly criticized for being "weak" and for having been beaten by Vladimir Putin once again. If Putin backs down, he will be greatly criticized for being "weak" and for abandoning the Russians that live in Crimea. In essence, Obama and Putin find themselves trapped in a macho game of "chicken" and critics on both sides stand ready to pounce on the one who backs down. But this is not just an innocent game of "chicken" from a fifties movie. This is the real deal, and if nobody backs down the entire world will pay the price.

Leaving aside who is to blame for a moment, it is really frightening to think that we may be approaching the tensest moment in U.S.-Russian relations since the Cuban missile crisis.

There has been much talk about Obama's "red lines", but the truth is that Crimea (and in particular the naval base at Sevastopol) is a "red line" for Russia.

There is nothing that Obama could ever do that could force the Russians out of Sevastopol. They will never, ever willingly give up that naval base.

So what in the world does Obama expect to accomplish by imposing sanctions on Russia? By treaty, Russia is allowed to have 25,000 troops in Crimea and Russia has not sent troops into the rest of Ukraine.

According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington's stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine's poor. It is Greece all over again.

Before anything approaching stability and legitimacy has been obtained for the puppet government put in power by the Washington orchestrated coup against the legitimate, elected Ukraine government, the Western looters are already at work. Naive protesters who believed the propaganda that EU membership offered a better life are due to lose half of their pension by April. But this is only the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. America is arrogant and incompetent. Victoria Nuland is overheard by half the world arranging a putsch in Ukraine against a democratically elected government. The plan was to take over Ukraine and remove the Russian navy from Sevastopol. When her Nazi friends come to power by putsch the rest of Ukraine decided to look to Russia and a referendum next week in Crimea will merely transfer the whole of the Crimea to Russia.
    America is always supporting putsches in the world and is always causing chaos. It is time for them to close their bases not on their own continent and for them to go home and stay there permanently as their 20 million murders committed against people they have attempted to overthrow since 1945 are going to be avenged.
