Thursday, March 13, 2014

James Fetzer - Revisiting The Sandy Hook Hoax

Clip from March 10, 2014 - guest James Fetzer on the Jeff Rense Program

We believe that these questions will lead to final answers and help uncover the real events that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary on 12/14/2012. We hope that these fair questions will lead to either corroborating or exculpatory evidence that will provide a clearer picture of the events surrounding that tragic day. We believe all these questions should be thoroughly investigated and dispositioned until final determination can be made as to whether any further criminal charges should be made in this citizen’s investigation of the Sandy Hook Event.. It is beginning to look more and more like this event was staged. There were 20+ dead bodies that were all transported out of that school and not one news agency captured it.... Look at the scene photos.... Every news agency around the world was stationed less than 500 yards from the school with only one way in or out. No lawsuits have been brought up at all. You want to know why? The Police Chiefs brother is the head of the State. He decided who can and cannot sue the state. They could sue the school board, but they would never get the money. They were told to STFU and sit back and collect the millions upon millions that the sheep from around the world were about to start sending in. And it worked. This has become the most lucrative non-event in the history of the world. There are people that I was talking to everyday that had kids in those classrooms. They would tell me how much they struggled financially. Then they somehow go on all expense paid trips for the summer. They decided that they were going to deactivate their FB pages in late November until after the one year anniversary date in order to avoid any negativity.... Guess what? They STILL haven't come back. These key people are vanishing right in front of us. The only source of evidence that a grand jury could use to determine the truth was bulldozed to the ground under a shroud of secrecy. The entire school is gone. The clothing the children were wearing was returned to the parents. GONE. This has become insane. I do not understand how any logical thinking person can accept this story at face value. Something needs to be done.

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