Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hitlerian US Governments Obsession With Dominance – By Jason Liosatos

Hitler and the US government are becoming very similar with the US hell bent on trying to take over the whole world.
The psychological traits and behavior are alarmingly similar, a sociopathic obsession to rule and dominate, and it is becoming more and more obvious with each conquest that the US government and its money men are out to destroy and conquer any country it can in its psychotic trajectory for world dominance, at any cost to human life or the collapse of a whole country. It is a case of destruct and rebuild as usual, with the problem, reaction, solution trick working again to distract the unsuspecting masses in the US.
Ukraine is the latest chess piece to be pushed over by Washington’s planned destruction towards dominance, with more and more proof coming out with leaked phone conversations, most recently with the unscrupulous Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. Interestingly once EU gets into Ukraine then NATO automatically gets in, and that is the plan by the West, to get those Ballistic missile bases pointing towards Russia on the border.
It is obvious that Ukraine is another forced take over by the EU, IMF and the West, spearheaded by the lies, corruption and pantomime orchestrated by Washington with John McCain setting the base camp in Ukraine for the planned enslavement of the country to the EU, because they had the temerity to refuse, and were thus forced to comply. McCain and Kerry have the audacity to vilify Putin, when they themselves have carried out horrific atrocities world wide proving themselves and the US regime to be the greatest terror threat the world has ever seen.
Washington continues to lie and make up stories that Russia is invading Ukraine when in fact it is the opposite with the US invading Ukraine, prodding, antagonizing and challenging Putin in a typically paranoid, psychotic way, displaying all their usual traits of sociopathy, aggressive xenophobia, and a very disturbing superiority  and exceptional ism.
My guest Paul Craig Roberts on my show Outside The Box this week said that our greatest hope to avoid a nuclear conflict with Russia is that UK and Europe stop being ‘enablers’ and pull back and stop supporting the Hitler like US war machine, which is like a greedy, aggressive pig trying to gobble up everything in its path. Washington seems hell bent on dominance in Ukraine, and its billion dollar bribe to gain control confirms this, along with their hand in placing the new puppet government in, Mr Yatsenyuk, who was initiated by the Whitehouse this week, with smiles, as Washington salivated at the prospect of another country to rape and pillage with the EU in their illegal seizure of power  with its treasures of vast farmland for food, strategic position, and the corrupted Chevron signing a $10 Billion fracking deal with Ukraine.
And so we stand and watch another unethical, immoral, disgusting display of US hegemony and delusions of supremacy, emulating Nazi Germany as they approached their final push for world dominance with the bloodbath which ensued – By Jason Liosatos.

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