Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dr. Ed Group -- The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday March 26 2014: News & Calls

On the Wednesday, March 26 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the Obama administration's incredible arrogance as another deadline to sign up for Obamacare is pushed back yet again, illustrating how the executive branch acts unilaterally to alter laws. Jones also takes a look at the unfolding situation in Ukraine, where Kyiv forces have enlisted a spinoff of Blackwater mercenaries to act as a police force, and reports on the increasing tendency to conduct military drills in urban areas. On today's show, Alex welcomes Dr. Edward Group to the show to discuss new developments in geo-engineering and chemtrail bioengineering, the harmful components people are exposed to in the air, home and workplace, and solutions to detoxify the body. We'll also touch on other important news items, like the never-ending saga of missing Malaysian Flight MH370, and take your calls.

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