Sunday, March 2, 2014

Corporation Nation, with Clint Richardson

February 28, 2014 with guest Tami Pepperman
"'Democracy' is just a patriotic term for an 'Oligarchy.'"
The US was meant to be a Represantitive Republic. A Democracy is a majority rules political system. If 51 percent of people can be satisfied through lies and emotional rhetoric, then you have at least 49 percent of the populace being mal-represented. It's not a case of creative semantics. It is just the surprising truth. the states have investments in various corporations including wal-Mart. In turn, Walmart is a major buyer and reseller of prison bid bonds...and I guess this would just be the tip of the iceberg.
Democracy was used in Roman Empire to terrorize, decimate, rob, advanced other tribe's resources. it works as a magic 2500 years down the road. by taking, robing, stealing, bombing, droning the whole world for whatever the resources, human, natural, buried in the ground that majority (US) needs by force, and war to "complete the mission".

1 comment:

  1. There was no Roman democracy, it was an oligarchic slave state. They were scared to death of democracy. it was a brutal empire that exhausted itself via a long line of ruling elite caesars. It was pure plutocracy much as we see today in our fascist "democracy."
