Sunday, March 2, 2014

America is an Oligarchy under A One Party State, The War Party -- Jeremy Scahill

When he said that USA has one party, I thought he's going to name the AIPAC

Jeremy Scahill: The One Party State, The War Party Is the United States of America an Oligarchy? During the 2014 ISFLC, Jeremy Scahill speaks on the fact that in today's world behemoth corporations are able to buy off politicians and pull the strings to impact legislature. Washington, D.C. is a town that operates by campaign contributions and legal bribery in the form of campaign finance. What can the American people do to get their political representatives to represent them as opposed to the mega corporations. When will the people's voice be heard?
Impeach Obama now for prevention of Thermo Nuclear War in Ukraine. Prevent The End End of human existence. Re-inact Glass Steagall. Term Limits on all people in office absolutely must be upheld. Throw out Federal Reserve and debt, they are a private enterprise with nothing to do with USA. Eliminate Wal-Street an arm of the British Govt. We don't owe the Feds anything for money printed out of thin air. That interest owed is robbery. Remove the Patriot Act, NDAA and Guantanamo Bay. Throw the last three Presidential administrations in Prison and throw away the keys and no water. Reduce pay of President to 40K a year...Limit pay on all Congressmen tp 30 K...Remove monopolies and ability of corporations to donate money to political parties. Throw away all electronic fraudulent rigged voting machines. Paper ballots only. Lyndon LaRouche For President. Destroy the IMF, World Bank, Bildeberg Group, Monsanto,Bohemian Grove,Skull & Bones,CFR and all Big Pharma Companies. Hang Bill Gates for crimes against Humanity. Hang the entire Royal Family for Genocide in Africa, Stop Geoengineering and HAARP for Genocide and use for peaceful purposes only. Free Energy is available, USE IT!!!. Stop Big Oil...Light over comes Darkness....Irradicate the Pope and the Catholic Church.....Hang them all for Pedophilia and Satanic Worship.Remove the two headed snake which is deme-repub paradigm. Remove Public TV corruption. Stop Facism. This country has been hijacked by a CRIMINAL CABAL WITH INTENT ON ITS DESTRUCTION.

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