Saturday, March 29, 2014

BREAKING: Another Dead Banker "Killed By Hit And Run Driver"

The fucked up thing is that this list of names, while not short at all, just keeps getting longer each time. Gonna need to start recruiting again if this ever-growing list has a hope of ever being cleared.

Sounds like maybe the party was just getting started. When bonuses are fat banksters can afford the unstomped-on blow. If one really wanted to mow through a wide swath of banksters one could always bribe a Manhattan dealer to start cutting with rat poison.Dead bankers are OK, but what I'm really waiting for is dead congressmen. Maybe a dozen of them holding hands and jumping off of Rockefeller Center together. Now that would definitely make my day.


  1. Note the murdered bankers are all middlelevel bankers that know too much. Not one high level banker has 'suicided'. They are protected. Jim Willie predicted this in 2011 using logic. He predicted there would be murders (not suicides).

  2. We are living in the end time of this 2nd earth age. Jesus will return soon n when He does we that are living will be changed in a instant back to our spirit bodies as our Father Created us. But as 2Thess chapter 2 Says that the son of perdition that man of sin be revealed standing in the Holy place claiming to be Jesus. Most folks have never been taught that satan comes to earth at the 6th trump claiming to be Jesus he'll be very convincing for he knows he has but a short time n all this confussion in the world today is just setting the stage for satans role as the antiChrist the false messiah when hes cast out of Heaven to the earth in Rev.12:6-9. Visit ShepherdsChapel go to the video page n give a listen to Pastor Murray a True Servant of our Father teach His letter Father sent us the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse gaining truth so you won't be deceived n end up worshipping satan.for the end of this earth age is at the door we are living in the generation of the fig tree all Bible Prophecy will come to pass in this generation..

  3. I love this man's reactions.........absolutely hilarious!!!!!
