Saturday, March 29, 2014

Alasdair McLeod -- The US Blew It In The Ukraine 26.Mar.14

We connected with our old friend Alasdair McLeod of GoldMoney. As he sees it, the US has blown it big time in the Ukraine. Putin is nothing, if not a smart intelligence operative. He knows a CIA operation when he sees one. Now the chickens are coming home to roost for the dollar and they're not going to be pretty. On to China, a big crash is coming there, and the results are going to be felt around the world. Eventually, it's all going to be good for gold and precious metals.


  1. washington cannot be trusted, get it!!! cannot be trusted.. washington never says what is on its mind, in fact the world should isolate this uncivilized government, we all know that the young nation call america is not the culprit of wisdom, but today is just a nation that only a fool will trust so i recommend china india, russia, never to trust washington and anyone that works for that government, is bad for your health and it is also very dangerous for the human species, like cancer the day a cure is found hope that cancer call washington will disappear.

  2. Nobody can trust any of the slimebag leaders of the USA. Obama is such an evil liar that it is impossible to give him any credibility. He even says that the US war against Iraq was better than the Crimeans having a vote in a referendum to determine their future. He also lied about there having been a legal referendum on the future of Kosovo. Victoria Nuland is a total vile piece of crap. She is so arrogant she thinks she should decide who should rule in Ukraine and even as a Jewess she can support a Nazi putsch..
