Thursday, March 13, 2014

Assange Lawyer - Moving Towards a Police State

Mr. Ratner tells Paul Jay that he warned of a growing police state a month after 9/11 - constitutional rights continue to evaporate in the name of national security

Try having a conservative world view while working at a Corporation. The government uses corporations to promote their social engineering agenda. Speak out against homosexuality and abortion and get fired. Talk about your personal faith when it is relevant and get fired. Corporations are punishing people with poverty to ensure compliance. No wonder that this nation is being judged the same way. G-d's people are given poverty as punishment for faith so this nation is punished with insolvency.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, try having a liberal viewpoint! as in against free trade, money-as-speech, and a fascist WTO, IMF, World Bank, BIS, etc. and being for a public central bank - that's far more dangerous to your corporate career... in our neo-fascist corporate police state
