Thursday, March 13, 2014

Another Banker Suicide & Still No Missing Plane... Any Bankers On Flight MH370?


this story seems to roll on and on, both the bankster and the missing flight. Yet another suicide from somebody working within the financial sector, and its the latest in a space of "suicides". Is there someone trying to cover something up? Where they all potential whistleblowers?

Last night it looked like a break through when news broke of images being found by the Chinese which appeared to show 3 peices of debris. However, we have woken up to the news that there is no link to the doomed flight.

We must start looking beyond the search and find out just who was on that flight. Could it be that there were more bankers on MH370? Or have the 20 US Electronics experts been kidnapped by a nation state keep to interrogate high level information out of them?

Yes, its speculation, but us humans have wonderful minds and by exercising them it enables us to develop a bigger picture of what may, or may not, be going down

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