Saturday, February 15, 2014

Whats Causing The UK Storms & Flooding ? THE JET STREAM, NOT GLOBAL WARMING

Bp oil spill has killed the Gulf Stream and luke current  .Fukushima is killing the pacific and people just squabble like squibbling quims. Welcome to the tribulation starting this year get used to it oh dear

..Probably not until the Gulf stream starts up and goes back to the same pattern that it once had, otherwise, we here in America are not the only ones screwd by the weather, i hate to say this but.....Get used to it Britan, you can thank your BP oil co. for your new weather patterns, it was the Gulf current that brought yyou warmer weather and kept the storms at bay, but with all screwed up, the polar vortexes could hang around.

1 comment:

  1. And why is the jet stream so erratic ?, because of the wobble of the earth. The earth has been wobbling for several years, and will be getting worse. The wobble causes to jet stream to appear to go further south , then north after several days. What is causing the wobble , you ask?. According to what I have read, Nibiru , or planet X, circling the sun ( which it does every 3600 years or so), causing electro-magnetic interference. Of course you will never hear this info on the controlled news media
