Saturday, February 15, 2014

Precious Metals breaks out : CELENTE, HOFFMAN & MARK S. MANN

Precious Metals & World Affairs UPDATE: CELENTE, HOFFMAN & MARK S. MANN

Gold breaks out, Silver vaults over $21, Physical Gold demand is at least twice global annual production according to Eric Sprott, Bankers are unexpectedly dying, Emerging markets are melting down and hyperinflation is taking root, Fukushima is out of control & much more. We cover it all in this exclusive interview with Andy Hoffman, Gerald Celente and SGT Report contributor Mark S. Mann.

1 comment:

  1. Gerald, I agree with you to a certain extent, but you're WRONG regarding there NOT being an 'Illuminati,' there certainly is one. Although they may go by different names, to quote you-"THE GAME'S THE SAME!"
