Saturday, February 8, 2014

Unemployment In America - Misleading Monthly Report

 The economic growth model is at the base of the problems being matter what you choose to do under this current system of debt with interst, the system crashes of its own design...growth is exponential and based on rising costs due to interest / compound interest that eats away at the bottom line. The result is that costs go up. Asia will also experience this too, and as they do every country in the west will go into's already happening. The solution is to evolve

Unemployment In America - Misleading Monthly Report - Smaller Workforce Lowers Unemployment Rate
To convince Americans of outsourcing's benefits, corporate outsources sponsor misleading one-sided "studies."

Only a handful of people have looked objectively at the issue. These few and the large number of Americans whose careers have been destroyed by outsourcing have a different view of outsourcing's impact. But so far there has been no debate, just a shouting down of skeptics as "protectionists."

Despite the enormity of the stakes for all Americans, a state of denial exists among policymakers and the outsourcing's corporate champions about the adverse effects on the US.

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