Saturday, February 8, 2014

JIM ROGERS - The WORLD is Heading for FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON. Are You Prepared?

World traveler, investor, commodities expert, financial commentator & father Jim Rogers is a legendary investor that co-founded the Quantum Fund and retired at age thirty-seven. He is the author of several books and also a financial commentator worldwide.

The yellow metal took a big hit in 2013, registering its biggest drop in last three decades, as the super cycle in commodities got challenged and the basket made a U-turn.

How will 2014 be for gold?

"There are huge shorts that have developed in precious metals as you know. So, it's overdue for a rally. We had a big drop in 2013. Everybody got negative, everybody got short. So, we are going to have a rally," says Commodities Guru Jim Rogers.

Jim Rogers, a high-profile American investor, still believes North Korea is one of the most promising investment spots in the world.

Speaking at road shows in Europe this month, he said he is willing to bet all of his money on the communist nation, according to the Voice of America.

"Another country in Asia that I'm extremely optimistic about, I'll put all of my money there if I could, is North Korea," Rogers said in Britain Tuesday.

He is apparently not optimistic of the North Korean economy itself; North Korea is under strong U.N. sanctions.

Jim Rogers: There are huge shorts that have developed in precious metals as you know. So they are overdue for a rally. We have had a big drop in 2013 and everybody got negative and everybody got short. So we are going to have a rally, though not too much of the rally. I am not going to either buy or sell that rally, but there will certainly be a rally.

Jim Rogers, the international investment guru, said central banks around the world are arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, but if he had to recommend where to invest in stocks in Y 2014, 2 of his top picks would be Japan and China.

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Rogers said the global environment of ultra-loose economic policies, characterized by nations that run huge government debts while printing gobs of money, will lead eventually to a massive world hangover.

"When it pops, when this artificial sea of liquidity dries up, it's not going to be fun," he said in a TV interview. "But I don't see any reason why it will stop anytime soon."

Mr.Rogers noted the Japanese stock market is still 70% off of its all-time high, while the US is currently hanging around all-time highs, and that a new law in Japan makes it tax-free to invest in stocks.

"I've been investing a long time, and every time a country does that, people invest," Mr. Rogers said. He predicted Blue-Chip stocks in particular will do well in Japan for the time being.

"Then the central banks will get scared. These guys are just academics and bureaucrats. Then they'll start printing money again and the whole thing will get more and more elevated and more artificial."Jim Rogers, the international investment guru, said central banks around the world are arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, but if he had to recommend where to invest in stocks in Y 2014, 2 of his top picks would be Japan china

Rogers said the global environment of ultra-loose economic policies, characterized by nations that run huge government debts while printing gobs of money, will lead eventually to a massive world hangover.

"When it pops, when this artificial sea of liquidity dries up, it's not going to be fun," he said in a TV interview. "But I don't see any reason why it will stop anytime soon."

Mr.Rogers noted the Japanese stock market is still 70% off of its all-time high, while the US is currently hanging around all-time highs, and that a new law in Japan makes it tax-free to invest in stocks.

"I've been investing a long time, and every time a country does that, people invest," Mr. Rogers said. He predicted Blue-Chip stocks in particular will do well in Japan for the time being.

Since the Chinese government has said it intends to sink significant resources into cleaning up pollution, railroads and healthcare, he predicted related stocks that focus on those areas will do well.

But what about the backdrop of unfettered government fiscal policies?

Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

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