Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ukraine Riots -- A New Cold War?

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup - A short-lived truce has broken down in Ukraine as street battles have erupted between anti-government protesters and police. Last night the country's embattled president and the opposition leaders demanding his resignation called for a truce and negotiations to try to resolve Ukraine's political crisis. But hours later, armed protesters attempted to retake Independence Square sparking another day of deadly violence. At least 50 people have died since Tuesday in the bloodiest period of Ukraine's 22-year post-Soviet history. While President Obama has vowed to "continue to engage all sides" a recently leaked audio recording between two top U.S. officials reveal the Obama administration has been secretly plotting with the opposition. We speak to Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University. His most recent book, "Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War," is out in paperback. His latest Nation article is "Distorting Russia: How the American Media Misrepresent Putin, Sochi and Ukraine."


  1. all wars have an economical origin, here i do not understand Jews, why are they doing all they can to engender a global war, BHL, LE crief, la lycra, aipac, Israel is all they aim at war austerity death. all wars have economical roots, Jews knowing that they will be blame, because they themselves run the finances of most nations and probably will be cremated on the process. so why this folks do as they do; that is suicide insane incoherent irrational??

  2. the plot is easy ww3 in Europe to clean destroy and reconstruct; Jews probably will be cremated once gain, proxy war just like ww2. African Americans will suffer as blacks will be hunted for stupidity courtesy of OBAMA, he was put in office to liberate Africa it took 200 years for a black men to be president of america? Russia and the us will in the end reach a pact of no aggression, AIPAC will be a thing of the past, as the French Jewish lobby. Gerald celente is right this financiers lots the plot so war is the only solution they know.
