Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ukraine An American Military Coup -- Dave Hodges

An American Military Coup & Dead Banksters -- Dave Hodges Dave Hodges from joins me to discuss the very real possibility of a US military coup, and the signs which Dave says point to it. Dave reminds us that Dr. Jim Garrow told Dave on his show that "a coup is in process." We also discuss EU plans to confiscate the savings accounts of its citizens, Obama's MyRA which is the US government's attempt to seize OUR savings, and we discus the lengthening list of dead Banksters about which Dave says; "This is a criminal mafia organization that's trying to run the planet and key witnesses who might speak out are disappearing... I believe this is evidence tampering through murder."

1 comment:

  1. you cannot defeat the evil banksters with force, you need intelligence and outdo them with intelligence, ideas. reason why main media brainwash americans is to diminish their intelligence and reasoning power; , the way is a vertical form of reasoning which as a conclusion, leads you to a justification of what the bankers want you to think and conditions your behaviour, the result is mental slavery, this means you obey to the rules and submit to main media brainwash, because the logic of justification dominates the outcome so rather than understanding the plot you follow it but on your mind you believe you are fighting it, like the ukranians today. they believe they die for freedom, but the end game is debt, because ukranians have destroyed all justification of their existence, while believing they are building a democracy and a nation of free expression. this is what you know as arab spring, a debt war so citizens will bend to the IMF world bank, same is happening at home you call it saving the banks, but is the same method the same result.
