Sunday, February 23, 2014

Shadow Lobbying Complex: How The Rule of law is sold to the highest bidder

The Shadow Lobbying Complex: How Corporations Are Hiding Vast Influence, Peddling Efforts . Democrats for some reason keep on thinking that this administration is looking after their best interest and not in bed with Corporate America and the Republicans keep thinking the poor and unemployed are the problems in America, and we need to cut taxes for the wealthy even more. Wake up people, stop fighting each other over trivial crap and realize the real problem is our elected officials are bought and paid for......

A new exposé in The Nation magazine reveals that much of the lobbying money spent on shaping policy in Washington is going unreported. For the third straight year, the official amount spent by lobbyists has declined, and the number of registered lobbyists is the lowest its been in more than a decade. But these numbers are misleading, says reporter Lee Fang, author of the "The Shadow Lobbying Complex: On paper, influence peddling has declined. In reality, it has gone underground." The rule of law is sold to the highest bidder, come on people WAKE UP! It's high time we put away the pen and pick up our swords. There is a reason we have the 2nd amendment, there is a reason our founding fathers gave us the ability to create militias. It's high time we do so before there is no turning back. 

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