Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Last Economic Crash 2014

The Last Economic Crash 2014 : The coming bond market crash. And what happens when there is no more gold.

Everything has been planned this way. I cant for one second believe that the manufacturing sector of america has been outsourced in such a wholesale fashion for decades without anyone knowing about it. This then creating the need for an enormous social welfare state that needs to borrow much more than what it has to spend. Add the wars based on 9-11 false flag, the growth of DHS as the american gestapo, and you have spending through the roof. When no one wants to lend you more money because your credit rating sucks, that means only one thing. PRINT MONEY and that brings hyperinflation. You also need deep austerity measures and a prioritised system of payments that are often delayed indefinitely. The petrodollar created THE ILLUSION that america will always have a strong currency.

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