Sunday, February 23, 2014

Marin Katusa -- The American Way of Life Will Be Destroyed -- Inflation to Exceed 100%...

Stock up on as many necessities as you can. Gold , Silver, Food, ammunition for your gun, heirloom seeds, learn how to garden, buy some livestock, toilet paper, flashlight, coffee, sugar, tobacco if you smoke, gasoline or diesel, batteries, pay off all your debts if you can afford to without accruing more, etc....etc. Its like a ship expecting to encounter a hurricane out in the ocean and preparing for it.

The American way of life has ALREADY been destroyed. They have practically eliminated the middle class, turned the US into the largest producer of manufactured goods in the world to the largest importer. They have change us from the largest Creditor Nation to the largest debtor Nation. We depend on Red China and the Oil Ticks. How long they goin to give us something for nothing? The music is about to stop!

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