Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Collapse of The American Empire

Alex continues with calls from listeners on the topics of false flags, Iran's recent threats of attacks on the US and the risks of impending Global War.

People are at wits-end. If we don't see justice soon I'm afraid someone might jump the gun. To anyone that reads this: I plead to you: Don't do anything stupid, it is exactly what this gestapo administration wants. Believe it or not, America sees through this impostor and his bullies, and if we hang in there, the whole country will swing violently to the right. Keep going to the range and plinking, keep stocking up on food and ammo. Keep praying to God if that is your thing. If not, leave it to one of your friends. We are all brothers and sisters in arms here, and we all need to keep speaking out about these frauds. We WILL win. No government enacts horrendous, lethal violence against its people and gets away with it forever. Its their move, I say let them come. LET THEM COME WITH THEIR LIES AND THEIR DRIVEL! WE WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO THEIR DECEPTION OR THEIR IDEALS! WE WILL NEVER SUBSCRIBE TO SHAMELESS OPPORTUNISM AND POWER GRABS! WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN OUR SLICE OF THE CAKE! WE WANT A FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN! Stand strong and let these vermin make their move! When they cannot indoctrinate me let them unleash violence in frustration! Let them take the next step if they dare! Once they pull the trigger I will go to war with these sub human scum and I am not alone!

1 comment:

  1. The Globalist Path to Subjugation and Genocide

    1. Deculturize America through massive immigration which will move economic and political power to the Constitutionally ignorant. When the pretense of having Constitutional rights is finally stripped away, 30 million illegals will never know what hit them because they have never enjoyed freedom. Meanwhile, the sheer weight of their numbers is destroying hospitals, overcrowding schools and generally draining our social services. The face of America has changed. America is now proof that if you take on enough third world immigrants, you will become a third world country. Mission accomplished, this objective has been achieved.

    2. Deindustrialize America through a series of free trade agreements in which millions of jobs are sent out of the country. This objective has been met. Additionally, Obamacare will destroy the backbone of the American middle class, small businesses, as these owners cannot afford the Obamacare mandates of coverage and hope to stay in business. Deindustrializing America, through cap and trade policies, originating out of the bogus global warming policies, are the excuse to put these irrelevant controls in based on a fiction.


    The establishment of the Green Police State is the key step in the domestication objectives of the super elite. The Green Police will prevent individual food independence by diving small farmers out of business through onerous EPA and FDA regulations. The lack of food independence will make the public vulnerable. In contrived tough times (i.e. following false flag events), the American people will lose their ability to resist the encroaching tyranny. The establishment of the Green Police State will condition America to accept everything that will follow.

    3. A series of false flag attacks will bring about martial law and subsequent gun confiscation, the bulk of this task will be conducted by foreign troops.This development will prevent the American people from defending themselves. Much of the public has been so desensitized and dumbed down that they will never know what has hit them. America will resist, but not in enough numbers to make a difference.

    4. The globalists will control all food production and artificial food shortages will be used to crowd people into densely populated urban centers for temporarily relief. Food shortages, accomplished through the GMO poisoning of our food supply resulting in sterilization of both farm animals and crops will greatly reduce the available food supply. This reduction in food supply will be utilized to control and then cull most of the population.

    5. A New World Order based entirely on Agenda 21 principles will be firmly put into place. Through the science of transhumanism, a hell on earth society will be created and dissidence will be impossible because of the invasive security and surveillance employed by the minions who serve the globalist agenda.

    The remainder of this article will focus on stage two, the establishment of the Green Police State, in order to demonstrate how far along are the plans to subjugate humanity through the use
