Saturday, February 15, 2014

GERALD CELENTE - The MASSES needs to STAND UP to The ELITE. We The People Have the Real Power

In less than 2 days, if the Treasury secretary can be believed, the Treasury will not have enough money to pay all its bills and will have to prioritize. This doesn't mean default, as interest on Treasury bonds, notes, and bills will be right up there with the military and NSA. If Washington defaults on its bonds, Washington's power will be gone with the wind regardless of whether the Treasury pays the military.

Whatever the outcome, Washington has already cooked its goose. Washington's prestige and credibility have been hammered.

China, Washington's largest foreign creditor, has responded to Washington's inability to govern itself with a call for a de-Americanized world. The state news agency, speaking for the Chinese government, said that the "days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated, and a new world order should be put in place."

China has clearly had enough of Washington's hubris, arrogance, and irresponsibility as the lack of diplomatic language makes clear: "Instead of honoring its duties as a responsible leading power, a self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas." In addition Washington has provoked "regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and waged unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies." u.s. default on its debt

I believe that at the last minute the crisis will be resolved and, if not, that neither the Federal Reserve nor the White House will permit a default on public debt. Either the Fed will extend a loan to the Treasury or Obama will implement one of the presidential directives put on the books by George W. Bush. Nevertheless, the government's shutdown and the specter of a Washington default has made a deep impression on the world. Washington's power has been diminished permanently.

Now that the rest of the world has stood up to Washington, the American people need to stand up to the executive branch, take back their civil liberties, close down the police state, break up the media conglomerates and reestablish an independent press.

In part one we explored why the elite routinely generate civil unrest in countries as a tactic of driving down confidence, scaring away investors and setting themselves up as the saviors in order to loot what's left of the economy for next to nothing. 2nd american revolution

It is imperative to stress that ordinary Americans do not want a civil war. This is not something we or anyone we associate with is actively calling to initiate. This is simply a warning to the power structure that their policies are setting the stage for this very outcome -- and it's not going to end well for them.

Al Sharpton recently suggested that Americans should accept government regulation of the Second Amendment because the primary reason the founders put the right to bear arms in the constitution -- to defend against government tyranny -- is no longer applicable. Sharpton brazenly implied that the government would just be able to drone strike all Americans who resisted being disarmed.

"First of all, if the government were to come to disarm you, you would not be able to use an automatic weapon to defend yourself. Let's be serious. We're in a world of drones now so the Second Amendment would not help you in that area. It is absurd to try to cite that," said Sharpton.

There are only around 1.4 million active duty personnel in the entire US military -- that includes the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Even if you include national guard reserves, the total figure is less than 2.3 million.

Even if just five per cent of American gun owners actively resisted in a civil war, that would be five million Americans -- more than double the entire US military and national guard, many of whom are already engaged overseas. So even if the government used the military to fire upon U.S. citizens, the troops would be easily outnumbered.

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