Saturday, February 22, 2014

STATISM: The Most Dangerous Religion?!

Statism: the most dangerous religion in the world. Statist: a religious person who threatens to lock you in a cage if you disagree with him, but tries to camouflage it as a rational argument (with little success).  "in the real democratic society we should have fair income distribution and political equality".  The important point here is "the REAL DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY"; if the principle is enforced at gunpoint it would not be democratic.

 There is no such thing as 'Consent of the Governed' because if its consent then it is VOLUNTARY and if its being governed then its NOT 'voluntary'!

"Government is like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." -- George Washington

While the so-called 'New Atheists' are spending their energies warning of the violence that is justified by religious belief, they miss the most dangerous, the most irrational, and the most pervasive religion on the planet: statism. Modern-day government is a god and statism is a religion that is responsible for 260,000,000 deaths in the last century alone. The Corbett Report commits the heresy of denying the statist religion and disproving the government god.

* Sam Harris
* Daniel Dennett
* Richard Dawkins
* Christopher Hitchens

Democide: Death by government. Intentional killings by government. The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.
Government is not equivalent to religion but is the tool or the mechanics which have been used and exercised by the people who hold power in the society. All through history the people who exercised government power are the ruling classes - royalty, priests, financiers, military- these were and still are the people who oppress the majority of people in every society. Bureaucrats and politicians either themselves belong to or the servants of the ruling classes.
In my opinion, in the real democratic society we should have fair income distribution and political equality, and without these factors, the state becomes the tool of oppression which can be expressed in many different ways depends upon who hold the majority of power.
However, the religious establishment are one of the major influences in the exercising power of the states. The connection among religious establishment, military factions, and banking are well documented all through history. The oppression of the state simply reflects the influence of the people who control the state power at the time. Look up the article about, "THE POPE’S BANKS IN AMERICA, THE GIANNINI FAMILY, and THE AMERICAN CIA–PART ONE" by Sherman H. Skolnick

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