Saturday, February 22, 2014

China Dumping Treasuries, Food and Energy Soaring, Wars Breaking Out Everywhere - Andy Hoffman

Andy Hoffman discusses QE, the Fed, Europe, Japan, the dollar falling, unemployment, Obamacare, Bitcoin, gold and silver.
The USA prevailed in WW2 for no other reason than it's ability to harness it's INDUSTRIAL might. The USA has no industrial might at this point. It will take ten years to build and/or re-tool our factories. China is ripe with cutting edge industrial facilities and a plethora of well-trained, disciplined workers. The next big war will see Amerikans surrendering. The fact that the USA has had their collective asses handed to them by cave-dwellers and camel jockeys is a pretty good indication of the obvious. We are NOT prepared.

Lets say that the dumping of US bonds by China sets off the final destruction of the dollar. Lets say that China realizes exactly what will happen by causing the economic crash of its single biggest debtor... Lets say China carefully planned and deliberately set up this fiscal dependency (a careful fiscal INVESTMENT to gain FINANCIAL POWER). Lets say that the implosion of the most corrupt government in current existence actually happens.. Who benefits? If the power vacuum happens, the immediate Balkanization and land grab begins immediately by any country holding our debt, our military is tired and stretched out all around, and all the nuke weapons personnel have been replaced by mindless political drones who would absolutely need the Dear Leaders Instructions to "fire", our people divided by so many trivial reasons, worn down and dependent and incapable of independent action to rally people to a common it is a ripe chessboard for this strategic move, China will be able to roll right in and just take over the land as they see fit.. The STRATEGIC RESOURCE WARS begins...and America is clueless as to it happening.....Why? China is ready, militarily strong (resources wise with personnel equipment and weapons) military is well rested (mentally and physically) having not been embroiled in colonial brushfire wars (our military tired and mentally and physically fatigued from non stop undeclared wars), and right now, well funded and have all the technical plans/ inside knowledge of our technology (kindly provided by Clinton/Bush/Obama)...They could not have followed Sun Tzu ANY BETTER....they own and control the battle field, they own the execution of the battle plan, now they are setting off the well planned campaigned, easily implemented by making USA completely dependent on Chinese manufacturing and technology....If only you knew how much of our military parts contracts are HELD by China and Chinese companies... They stop shipping parts,our military will just grind to a halt.....Masterful execution......go look for yourself at the Made in China stamps on your parts........Not ALL your parts, just the critical ones for mobility and functions....Unfortunately a very real scenario; the belief that China needs us for anything beyond the exploitation of our natural resources and territory (by force if necessary) is naïve and unrealistic.

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