Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Robert Murphy -- How the Private Bankers Are Using the Financial Crisis to Reshape World Government

Archived from the live broadcast, this lecture was presented by Robert P. Murphy at the Mises Circle in Houston on 14 January 2012.
The steam is definitely running out of the Great Ponzi Scheme. The huge difference between '29 and today is we're not sitting on massively cheap natural resources or new factories just waiting to be put to use. You're spot-on regarding how further QE tightening will affect global markets (and blow back on the US). In my wife's native Venezuela, last month's slight QE pull back caused their currency to devalue 40% overnight. This two weeks after their government announced no plans to adjust their exchange rate for 2014. People don't realize how inter-dependent all the markets are at this point. Rest assured, any sudden crash to the DOW will be claimed as "completely unexpected" and "impossible to have predicted". The rest of us know better. We're gonna get hammered. Only those holding physical assets will do well in the coming crash. Heaven help folks with the bulk of their wealth sitting in some IRA or the market.

Illuminati agent, Bernanke put the American Economy on the Guillotine, raised the blade, tied off the rope. He did all the prep work for the destruction of America entire financial system. Yellen will be the trigger for the financial collapse, which the Criminal FED will instigate ( by stealth of course). And Yellen (agent of the Illuminati) will "cut the rope" and cut off the head of the American Economy. That's her role. How? By driving up interest rates on a failing economy, which is in NO way getting any better. They're only driving up Asset Prices for the Wealthy. The rest of will be eating dogs before long to stay alive, and these CRIMINAL BANKERS damn well know it. Nothing happens on the world's financial/economic stage that is NOT precisely manipulated to happen exactly as it does. And that's been true for centuries. The Criminal Illuminati leave little to chance. Both Bernanke & Yellen are Illuminati agents running the Illuminati's Federal Reserve, which they created, own & operate to their advantage over everyone else. Criminal Bankers are the Scum of the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. Bankers are the scum of the Earth.
