Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Harley Schlanger - LaRouche says "WWIII Has Already Begun" -- Dr Deagle Show 2014/02/12

Russian Influentials Cite Cuban Missile Crisis, Call for Emergency Measures to Stop Fascist Coup in Ukraine and Threat to Russia's Strategic Interests

Money is a belief system. There is no value in money, the value comes from the belief that it will help you acquire goods and services. The ultimate financial solution is to say screw it and not use money. It consumes us and removes us from the real world. Without money we wouldn't have to waste our energy on dealing with it and instead we could focus on more important matters. Without money we could focus on maximizing the wellbeing of the population while making sure we use our resources sustainably. Healthcare would be about healing. Education would be about learning and raising your level of thinking. Food would be about nourishing. We would see people who consume more than their fair share as selfish rather than successful. We would be able to enjoy life more and be free. Money is oppression. We are all slaves to it. How about we free ourselves from the invisible chains? It would create a more compassionate world, a world more willing to help each other.

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