Thursday, February 13, 2014

Robert Felix - The Global Warming Hoax

Clip from February 10, 2014 - guest Robert Felix on the Jeff Rense Program.
STOP the effing geoengineering,,HAARP, World government evil elite NWO agenda,,,,,,now,!!! we need to unite not be divided,,also there is STRENGTH in numbers,, Goals,United and Strength,,we know what is going on,WE Must Take ACTION..!!

"climate change" is archeological fact, it has been happening throughout recorded history and well before. Do not downplay world climate models because now main media outlets and "global warming" theorists are trying to attach their names to it. Sickening really to think so many individuals hard works on exploring our climatic past is now nonsense because people who want to make fame or money off of global warming and the like have to smear it. Disgusting the fact that people turn a blind eye to this all because it is repeatedly tied into "global warming" which is pretty much just a ploy to get you to pay for your carbon footprint via new taxes.

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